What are
Growth Groups?
Growth groups are places for people to connect with each other in authentic community with the goal of growing in their relationship with Christ. There are different Growth Groups for different purposes: Core4 Groups, Focus Groups, & Life Groups.

Core4 Groups
What are
core4 Groups?
These are the four studies we would love to see everyone at WEFC take, and they are: Freedom Group, How People Change, The Story of Hope, and Searching for Meaningful Treasure. Each study will be offered once a year and run weekly for twelve to fifteen weeks.
Freedom Group
Even though every person’s life journey is unique, we have all faced common challenges in life that has created baggage’s of pain, fears, habits, and behaviors that we carry throughout our lives unless we address them. Freedom Group takes you on a journey to help you face and overcome those challenges that have created that heavy baggage that you are carrying today. You do not have to face them alone, but with fellow journeymen who face the same uncertainties as you, together you will encourage each other, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, you will experience God’s loving grace in your lives as you celebrate the victories that come from actually shedding yourself of that heavy baggage that weigh you down. This is a place where you come to understand God’s grace in a loving, accepting, non-judgmental environment.
Women's Freedom Group: Wednesday Nights @ 6:30-8:15pm (Starts Jan. 15)
How People Change
The Gospel of Jesus Christ promises a changed heart. But so many of us are stuck. We make sinful choices again and again. We’re trapped by repetitive selfish behaviors. Scripture tells us that change is a process, not an event. When the Bible talks about the gift of a new heart, it promises a heart that is capable of being changed. How People Changetargets the root of a person – the heart. When our core desires and motivations change, only then will behavior follow.
Wednesday Nights @ 6:30-8:15pm (Starts Jan. 22)
The Story of Hope
This is study looks at God's BIG plan for mankind through 20 of the most important OT stories and 20 of the most important NT stories. Taking this class will allow you to walk away with a solid grasp of the overview of the whole Bible.
Searching for Meaningful Treasure
We believe that treasure discovered is more valuable than treasure that is given. It's one thing to have someone else study the Bible and then tell you what they found. It's another thing to discover yourself the many treasures that we have in Scripture. "Searching for Meaningful Treasure" is designed to help you learn the tools and skills to navigate, study and comprehend God's word so that we may "treasure it in our heart's" (Psalm 119:11).
"Searching for Hidden Treasures" is a focus group on how to study the Bible and discover its treasures for yourself. You will need to bring your laptop or iPad because we will be using them to assist us as we learn to study the Bible for ourselves. Starts on March 4th, and meet every Wednesday for 10-15 weeks. (Limited spots available).

Focus Groups
What are
focus Groups?
Focus Groups start in the Fall and in the Winter, meeting weekly for a specific number of weeks (usually 10-15) to address specific areas in our lives. Some examples would be: Financial Peace, Marriage Enrichment, Sexual Abuse Support, Conquer Series, and Parenting groups.

No More Perfect Marriages
Do you feel like the spark is gone? Like a critical spirit has invaded your marriage? Like you want more intimacy, but something is in the way? You could be suffering from the Perfection Infection. The Perfection Infection happens when we cultivate unrealistic expectations of ourselves and our spouse, gradually leading to intimacy-killing behavior, also known as the "Seven Slow Fades." This study is for people who are married (PLEASE COME IF YOUR SPOUSE CAN'T MAKE IT) and would like to learn how to avoid the slow fades that can occur in marriage, as well as breath some new and fresh air into your relationship.
Tuesday Nights @ 6:30-8:00pm (Starts Jan. 14)
Starting Point
Starting Point is an 8-week gathering where your questions about God turn into a conversation about faith. In a Starting Point group, you can discuss your doubts and explore the trickiest topics of faith, free from pressure and judgment.
Monday Nights @ 6:30-7:30 (Starts Jan. 15)

Life Groups
What are
life Groups?
Life Groups are gospel-centered growth groups consisting of up to 15 people, committed to hospitality, authenticity, service, mission, and bible study. It is a great place to find encouragement and build relationships. They meet at various locations in the local area, at various times during the week from September through June, and can usually be joined at any time during the year.
Life Groups
There are multiple Life Groups meeting on different days and times. Click on the signup button below to see which day and time works best for you!