We offer Kids church for all kids in Kindergarten - 5th Grade during both our 9am and 10:30am services. Kids are escorted to their designated classrooms after our worship set and all get to engage in a Bible-based video, fun games and activities, as well as make lasting friendships in small group connections.
Please look for our "WEFC Parents" page on Facebook and ask to join for upcoming events and more!
VBS 2023 was amazing !!!!!
140 kids were blessed by amazing teaching, impactful activities and great dancing!! We learned all of the “wild” ways Jesus loves us and helps us love others. We collected 442 pairs of gently used shoes to support Souls 4 Souls and their mission to help people all over the world. Many thanks to the over 80 volunteers who made the week a great success!
​Our nursery is provided during our morning service as well as a variety of special events. We offer three separate rooms for our littlest members by age groups:
Infant Nursery - Birth to 18 mos.
Walker / Talker - 1.5 - 3 yrs.
Pre - School - 3 - 5 yrs.
We know that God created every child unique. Therefore, we advise each family to find the nursery that best fits the needs of their child. All rooms are staffed by caring and trained volunteers and our two older rooms all have a morning Bible lesson and snack.